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Exercise 3 - Identifying common problems with CATW introduction paragraphs

Instructions: Read the following introduction written for a CATW essay. Answer the questions by clicking on the correct choice. The Answer box at the bottom of the choices will tell you if your answer is correct. If you choose the wrong answer, try again.

Francisco Orozco argues in his essay “What is Quality of Life?” that we need to think about the spiritual part of life when considering how to have a better quality of life and not just about how much we own or how much money we have. He goes to a town in Southern Mexico and sees that the people there are happy even though they are poor because they are connected to one another and their culture. I believe that Americans and people in other rich countries spend too much money on luxury goods and never stop to imagine their lives without these items and how lucky they are just to have basic necessities for life, like clean water and shelter. People living in wealthy nations need to change their selfish attitudes and give more aid to the less fortunate inhabitants of poor countries.

This introduction:
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