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Exercise 3 - Identifying common problems with CATW introduction paragraphs

Instructions: Read the following introduction written for a CATW essay. Answer the questions by clicking on the correct choice. The Answer box at the bottom of the choices will tell you if your answer is correct. If you choose the wrong answer, try again.

There are many different opinions about what gives someone a good "quality of life." . . . In the essay "What is Quality of Life?," Francisco Orozco states that we must consider the spiritual side of life when figuring out what it means to have a good quality of life. The author learned when he traveled to a poor area of southern Mexico that quality of life is about more than having a lot of money. The inhabitants of the town he went to knew their neighbors well and enjoyed traditional art and music. Although Orozco agrees that societies with a higher standard of living provide advantages like better services and technology, he also points out that these societies often have significant problems, such as high crime and poor family relationships. From my personal experience and reading, I know that it is important to have a good quality of life.

This introduction:
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