E-Resource Center: John Jay College of Criminal Justice: City University of NY
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John Jay College of Criminal Justice City University of NY
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Reading Your TextbookCriminal Justice 101Government 101 Sociology 101 Criminology
101 Course Tutorials
Criminal Justice 101

Exercise Menu

Click on the unit titles to see a list of exercises within each unit. Next, click on an exercise title to enter the exercise page.

 Crimes, Criminals and Crime Statistics
Unit Highlights
Exercise 1: The concept of crime
Exercise 2: Levels of Criminal Intent
Exercise 3: Behavior systems; measure of crime trends
Exercise 4: Causes of crime
Exercise 5: The legal categories of crime
Exercise 6: The criminal justice system
Exercise 7: The history of criminal justice and sentencing
Exercise 8: The juvenile justice system
Exercise 9: The rights of individuals in criminal procedures
Exercise 10: Unit Review Exercise
Key Terms

 Law Enforcement
 Adjudication in Court
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Funded by the U.S. Department of Education (Title V) and the
New York State Education Department (Perkins III)

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