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Collective Behavior and Social Change: Exercise 2 - Social movements

Instructions: Read the passage and click on the correct answer. If wrong, try again. Scroll down if you do not see the Answer box.
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Types of Social Movements (Part II)

     Social movements can also be reformative or revolutionary.

     Reformative social movements try to cause limited change for the whole society. There are two types of reformative social movements: progressive and reactionary. Progressive movements try to create change in a new direction. For example, multiculturalism is a type of progressive movement that encourages racial equality. Reactionary movements try to keep things the way they are or try to go back to the way things were. For example, the White Supremacist movement is a reactionary movement that tries to keep up the old idea of White superiority.

     Lastly, revolutionary social movements try to cause total change for the whole society. A communist party, which seeks to change a society from a democratic to a communist one, is an example of a revolutionary movement because if a country became communist, the whole way of life of its people would change.

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